Funded makes a commitment to our clients that any sensitive information collected shall be treated with respect and managed responsibly at all times.
All contents of this site, its images and its layout are protected by copyright under the laws of Australia and other countries. You may view this site and its contents and save a copy of this site solely in the usual operation of your web browser in visiting this site. You must not otherwise copy, transmit, broadcast, adapt, modify, sell, publish or otherwise use any of the material on this site without the owner’s prior written consent (except to the extent permitted by law).
The information on this website is liable to change and although we attempt to ensure that the content is current we do not guarantee its currency as there may be delays, errors or omissions.
The purpose of our Privacy Policy is to outline what personal information we collect during the course of running our business, what we do with the personal information received and what measures we take to ensure this information is treated in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act. Funded is a finance broking service with a broad spectrum of financial products available from Banks, Building Societies and Finance Companies. We are bound by the new provisions of the Privacy Act. More information on our Privacy Policy is listed below.
Information We Collect
Information may be collected via our office, website or other correspondence, including our various departments and Internet Services.
Use of Information Collected
Any information Funded collects through the course of normal business dealings remains confidential. Funded does not sell trade or participate in unauthorised use of personal information. We may use the information provided to perform statistical analyses of customer shopping habits or other similar activities, but this is for internal marketing purposes only. We may also use the personal information to send you information about our promotions and products if you have opted for this service. Funded does not send unsolicited e-mails.
Disclosure of Information Collected
Funded takes all reasonable precautions to ensure that any personal information received is kept confidential. In some instances, it is necessary to disclose some of your personal information to third parties or contractors such as delivery contractors. However, Funded will take all appropriate steps to ensure our suppliers and contractors only use the information provided to them for the relevant purpose.
Customers who wish not to have their personal information used for marketing by Funded should indicate their desire at the time of purchase, in correspondence, at interview or any other point of contact with a representative of our company.
Access to personal information
Individuals may request details of their personal information by writing Funded, 10 Florence Street, ST PETERS NSW 2044. Funded will endeavour to respond within fourteen (14) days, provided the information requested meets the requirements under the Privacy Act. Requests that do not meet the requirements will be advised accordingly. Any information that you have provided may be corrected or brought up to date at any time. For privacy and accuracy reasons Funded relies on the customer to provide any changes or updates to individual information.
Information Security
The Funded website has the necessary security measures to protect it from unauthorised third party access. Funded hardware also has levels of security to ensure information of a sensitive nature is only accessible by authorised staff members. All hard copies of sensitive information are stored securely and are not accessible by unauthorised persons.
Privacy Policy
The privacy of your personal information is important to us. Our Privacy Policy governs how we collect and use your personal information. This policy explains how we respect your right to privacy in accordance with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). We may collect personal information from you via telephone when we do business with you, and from our website. The personally identifiable information we may collect includes your name, address, telephone number and financial information.
When we request your personal information, we will identify which information is necessary and which information may be provided at your option. If you choose not to supply any of the optional information we request, our ability to assist you may be limited. We will use your personal information:
You may opt out from receiving any communications from us at any time, except where those communications are required for the operation of our business. If you want to opt out of receiving communications from us, please contact us.
We do not sell or provide any of our client lists or personal information to any third party. The only situation in which we will disclose personal information about you to anyone outside Funded is where we must identify you to our lenders and agents in the ordinary operation of our business. In those cases we will only disclose that information that is strictly required, and ensure that your personal information is handled on a confidential basis. These third parties are strictly prohibited from using your personal information for any purpose other than in the pursuit of business related to Funded.
Otherwise, we will not disclose personal information unless we are required to do so by law.
At any time, you may ask us to give you a list of the personal information we hold, and copies of that personal information. We will endeavour to provide you with the data within 30 days of receiving your request. We may incur costs in giving you that information, in which case we reserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee to cover those costs. If you believe that we are holding inaccurate or incomplete data about you, you may ask us to correct it.
We will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify your personal information when your personal information is no longer required for our business functions. We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or exposure. All Funded staff are required by the terms of their employment to maintain the confidentiality of customer information. Access to your information is restricted to those employees whose job requires that information. Access to our computer systems is restricted through password protection, internet firewalls and routers.
You can make any requests relating to your personal information, or any complaints regarding treatment of your privacy by contacting us.
Changes to Policy
It may be necessary for us to make alterations to this policy from time to time to keep pace with changing legislative requirements.
Funded welcomes any comments, suggestions or questions you may have.
Our business is built on client referrals; please pass our details on to your friends and family members. Thank you for looking at Funded – we look forward to hearing from you.